The News is Good!

We have some very
good news for you.

Though you're a worse sinner than you realize (that's the bad news), you are more loved than you could ever imagine! (that's the good news)
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What is the Gospel?

The good news of the Gospel is this: the just and gracious God of the universe looked upon hopelessly sinful people and sent His Son, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, to bear His wrath against sin on the cross and to show His power over sin in the resurrection so that all who turn and trust in Him will be reconciled to God forever.

What is Christianity?

Watch this short video for a thoughtful explanation.

A biblical presentation and response to the Gospel includes 5 key elements:

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Element Scripture Truth Response
1: The Character of God Romans 1:18-20, 2:1-16, 3:22-24, Isaiah 43:6-7 God is the just and gracious Creator of all things. Realize that we belong to Him, are accountable to Him, and are created to glorify Him.
2: The Sinfulness of Man Romans 1:21-25, 3:9-20, 3:23, 6:23 We are each created by God, but we are all corrupted by sin. Admit areas of rebellion, be honest with God about sin, and turn from it.
3: The Sufficiency of Christ Romans 3:21-26, 4:25, 5:6-10, 5:18, 8:1-4 Jesus Christ alone is able to remove our sin and reconcile us to God through His death. He alone satisfies the wrath of God for our sins. Recognize that we are helpless to be reconciled with God apart from Jesus Christ.
4: The Necessity of Faith Romans 1:17, 3:20-31, 4:22-25, 6:11-14, 8:10-11, 10:9-13 We are reconciled to God only through faith in Jesus. There is nothing we can do to become right with God. Faith that leads to salvation involves turning from sin and self-sufficiency. We turn to Jesus and trust in Him as Lord, confess Him as Lord and Savior.
5: The Urgency of Eternity John 3:14-16, 36, John 10:27-30, 17:3, 1 Timothy 1:16-17, Hebrews 9:12, 1 John 5:11-13 Our eternal destiny is dependent on our response to Jesus. Cry out to God to save you of your sins, put your faith in Jesus Christ and confess Him as Savior and Lord
Read our Full Statement of Faith

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

Where do I go from here?

If you realize your need for a savior and want to put your trust in Jesus Christ, we strongly encourage you to seek out a bible-believing church, pastor, or friend who can walk alongside you in learning what it means to be a Christian. If you are not yet part of a Gospel-centered church, you can use this tool to locate one in your area.
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